
About SIBlink

  • SIBlink - B2B middleware in-between IoT devices and business applications
  • SIBlink - modular platform compatible with NFVI, 5G and Edge computing
  • SIBlink is focused on security and interoperability with patented IP
  • SIBlink supports both cloud and on-premise use cases

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Internet of Things (IoT) in a nutshell: it is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Source: open.

Four basic IoT layers:

Business applications

Non-IoT specipic business applications: smart-metering, agriculture, logistics etc. Perhaps using Big Data and artificial intelligence algorithms, makes decisions according to business logic, and interacts with a person.


Cloud and edge platform collects data from devices, sends commands to devices, manages them and performs their service.

SIBlink platform with Device Twins


Usually wireless / radio, transfers data between devices, platforms and people.

SIBlink protocol

The Thing

Smart device collects, sends data and / or executes remote commands. Making decisions on the device itself is limited (for example, unlike in the case of autonomous robots).

SIBlink client


Studies show that today the most vulnerable part of the Internet of things is the devices themselves and taken together with their communication with the platform (the “last mile”). Customers are concerned with how to plug a new device easily and how to perform it securely. Therefore, the main tasks set during the development of SIBlink are:


No vendor lock-in


Interaction security (continuous security context)

**Interoperability - the property that allows for the unrestricted sharing of resources(data) between different systems. Source: open.


Similar platforms

Microsoft Azure IoT, AWS IoT

The platforms are mature. But their business model relies on the cloud-based service only. Also, platforms have very wide positioning and lack of specific focus, which is an usual shortcoming for big corporations. Responsibility of the service provider extends to the cloud platform itself, but not to endpoint devices or connections.

SIBlink advantages

The new binary protocol for communication between devices and the platform is secure and efficient. It has little overhead.
The unique Device Twins technology makes it easy to connect a new device or reconnect it to a different platform. That is as easy as plugging a mouse to a PC and then replugging it to a Mac. Both technologies are patented. Each module can be used independently as VNF in NFVI.


  • Implementation on your own infrastructure
  • Full control of the level of service and sensitive data
  • Customization and flexibility
  • Cost Management

  • Low capital costs
  • Quick implementation
  • Low staff requirements
  • Single Responsibility Center - the provider